Call (916) 973-0623
Serving Northern California

Why Do Women Get More Headaches?

As a migraine headache chiropractor based in Sacramento, I've encountered this question a lot. While all of us will experience at least one headache throughout our lives, women seem to be more susceptible to them. 

Research shows that women are 50 percent more likely to get headaches compared to their male counterparts. But why is that so? That is what we'll answer in this article. 

Toward the end, I will also provide you with a natural, long-term solution for headache relief. 

Women and Headaches

There are several valid reasons why women get more headaches than men do. For one, fluctuating hormone levels play a huge role in the development of headaches. High estrogen levels often occur at the same time as headaches. 

Another interesting fact is that headaches in women may be due to not wearing the proper bra size. Here are some other pieces of information pointed out: 

  • Tight bras lead to improper weight distribution, leading to bad posture. Incorrect posture causes the spine to compensate and the vertebrae to shift out of proper alignment
  • Nerve irritation can be the result of improper spine positioning. 
  • Abnormal muscle tension and misaligned bones can cause cervicogenic headaches. 

A Healthier Spine Means Fewer Headaches

If you feel your spine isn't correctly positioned, you can rely on upper cervical chiropractic care to fix that for you. 

Here at Body Balance Spinal Care, we don't use the popping and cracking techniques done by traditional chiropractors. Instead, we use gentle and precise methods to move the spine back into alignment. If you're looking for a migraine headache chiropractor based in Sacramento to do that for you, I am at your service. For more information, you may call me at (916) 973-0623. 

To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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Body Balance Spinal Care

Providing patients with the best in chiropractic care.

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900 Fulton Avenue, Suite 102
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 973-0623

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Mon, Tues, Thurs - 8am to 1pm | 3pm to 5pm
Weds - 8am to 1 pm
Friday, Sat, Sun - Closed
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