People often endure whiplash after being involved in a sporting accident or car mishap. If you have suffered a whiplash injury, we highly recommend seeking the care of an upper cervical chiropractor in Sacramento. Do not downplay the pain you feel in your neck. Applying an ice pack on the affected part may help, but you need the care of a professional for it to recover properly. Also, to avoid issues later in life.
When you pay us a visit here at Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California, we can help you determine if an atlas misalignment exists in your upper cervical spine (neck). The atlas, the topmost bone in your neck, is susceptible to misaligning when you have a head or neck trauma. Using advanced technology and measuring equipment, we locate the degree of your misalignment with precision.
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Do You Have Vertigo After Enduring Whiplash?
According to a study, about 50% of people experience the onset of their vertigo following a whiplash injury. Vertigo is the mistaken feeling of movement or spinning. Either you or your surroundings feel like spinning, when in fact, there is no movement.
It only shows that whiplash can have an impact on various functions in the body besides the neck. This is because an atlas misalignment can disrupt the function of the brainstem, resulting in the restriction in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid that enters and leaves the brain. Vertigo is an unwanted result.
Seek an Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Sacramento, CA
Our very own Dr. Donald Erwin, who practices the NUCCA technique of upper cervical chiropractic, can help you determine the degree of your atlas misalignment.
Once he has spotted your exact misalignment, he adjusts your atlas gently to move it back to its correct position. It only takes a force of 5 mph to bring about whiplash. This means a car doesn’t always have to be involved. We can realign your misalignment using only very low force, without the involvement of loud popping or cracking of the bones.Many people report positive results after receiving our care for whiplash. Contact us to start your upper cervical appointments today.
To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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