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Reasons Behind Shoulder Pain

reasons-behind-shoulder-painFor people who live with shoulder pain, they may dream of a day without pain. One reality of life for them is that if their shoulder acts up throughout the night, they didn’t just lose a night of sleep, but their next day is a struggle as well. Why does shoulder pain happen to certain individuals? How can it be prevented, or what can people do to cope with it?

Here are few of the common reasons for pain in the shoulders:

    • Osteoarthritis – Healthy bones have a layer of cartilage surrounding them for protection. This very common type of arthritis slowly deteriorates the protective layer.
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis – This is usually a very painful condition in which the lining of the joints erodes away, gradually affecting the bone itself.
    • Polymyalgia Rheumatica – This is a case of inflammation in the blood vessels, particularly. Over time the muscle will stiffen and become painful.
    • Rotary Cuff Injury – The repeated movements done in this particular part of the body can lead to injury and damage. The surrounding tendons and muscles in this area can also be impacted, eventually resulting in pain.

Fixing Shoulder Pain by Tending to the Root of the Problem

The top two vertebrae of the neck that are located just under the base of the skull are particularly susceptible to misalignment. This can progress into a number of chronic conditions over time as the misalignment adds stress on the nerves, the brainstem, and blood vessels. This displacement of the vertebrae can also be a factor in cases of improper posture because it increases pressure on the neck and shoulders. When the vertebrae are  out of alignment, the rest of the body often tries to compensate and ends up uneven or unbalanced too.

An upper cervical chiropractor is able to determine whether there is a misalignment and a need for readjustment. When the vertebrae are encouraged back in place using a gentle adjustment method, the pressure is released from the affected structures. At that point, the body can begin to heal itself, and the rest of the body parts that were unbalanced can start to return to their proper alignment and range of motion.

Anyone with shoulder pain could benefit from this form of chiropractic care. By correcting the misalignment, the shoulder pain can decrease and sometimes will continue healing over time. If you have not found an adequate solution for your shoulder pain, call us for a complimentary consultation. This natural and gentle method could be the very thing to bring your body the relief it needs.

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900 Fulton Avenue, Suite 102
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 973-0623

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