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Numbness and Tingling: What Causes It?

Numbness and tingling are unusual sensations that can ensue anywhere in your body without warning. They can be triggered by different factors and may be an indication of a major health issue. If you have recurring or long-lasting tingling sensations, it's best to visit a doctor to address its root cause.

Possible Reasons Behind Numbness and Tingling in Body

Are you feeling tingling and numbness in your fingers, hands, feet, arms, or legs? This should not be taken lightly. One of these possibilities could be the reason behind the odd sensations.

  • Vitamin deficiencies – Vitamin B1, B6, B12, E, and niacin help produce essential substances, such as neurotransmitters and red blood cells in your body. Low level or lack of these vitamins could result in tingling.
  • Nerve entrapment syndromes – This happens when the nerves become compressed or entangled like when one has carpal tunnel syndrome, resulting in tingling and numbness. Other types of conditions are ulnar nerve palsy, peroneal nerve palsy, and radial nerve palsy.
  • Diabetes – Prolonged exposure to high blood sugar can damage your delicate nerve fibers, causing neuropathy. The tingling sensation and numbness may begin in the feet or hands and extend up to the legs or arms.
  • Systematic disease – Liver disease, kidney disorders, cancers, and other auto-immune diseases can affect the nerves when spread to different parts of the body. Nerves have an essential role in the body, and these diseases cause impingement of nerves, which can result in numbness and tingling feelings in the hands, fingers, and legs.

Seeking Relief for Numbness and Tingling in Sacramento, CA

Here at Body Balance Spinal Care, we directly address the root cause of numbness and tingling felt by our patients – which is an irregularity in nerves. It can be related to a misalignment in the upper bones of the neck, specifically the C1 and C2 vertebrae. When these bones get skewed of their normal position, too much pressure can be put on the nearby nerves and muscles, leading to numbness, tingling, or weakness in various parts of the body.

We use a gentle and precise approach to help these bones realign that does not require popping or strong force. Once an upper cervical chiropractic adjustment is completed, the body can begin to restore its health, and the tingling and numbness will stop. Schedule a consultation with us to see for yourself.

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Body Balance Spinal Care

Providing patients with the best in chiropractic care.

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900 Fulton Avenue, Suite 102
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 973-0623

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Mon, Tues, Thurs - 8am to 1pm | 3pm to 5pm
Weds - 8am to 1 pm
Friday, Sat, Sun - Closed
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