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Serving Northern California

Neck Pain: The Causes and a Solution

neck-pain-the-causes-and-a-solutionBy the time a third of Americans reach the age of 50, they have already been afflicted with some type of neck and/or back pain. The neck has a huge responsibility of supporting the weight of the head and keeping it balanced. It also has a great range of motion, allowing the head to turn in many directions. This makes the neck more susceptible to injuries that may impact its range of motion.

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Neck Pain Causes

A common complaint when it comes to neck pain is feeling stiff and sore upon waking up in the morning. Some feel it might be due to the wrong pillow or the way they slept. This is very likely to be the culprit. The way that you sleep can have a huge impact on how you feel when you wake up.

  • It is recommended that you sleep on your back.
  • Sleeping on your side is second best, but it is important to keep a pillow between your knees to relieve the stress off your lower back.
  • Sleeping on your stomach is very hard on the back, especially the neck. It stresses your joints and tissues because your head is turned at a sharp angle for long periods of time.

The cervical spine is comprised of seven bones. The upper bones, the C1 and C2 vertebrae, are different than the rest. They have no disc in between to cushion and separate them. They do not lock like the other joints. This makes them more susceptible to misaligning, which, in turn, leads to neck pain.

Relief for Neck Pain

Here at Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California, our focus is on making sure the C1 and C2 are in proper alignment. If not, we use a gentle, precise method based on scientific measurements that does not require us to pop or crack the neck. Once the bones move back into place, patients often find relief for their neck pain.

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Providing patients with the best in chiropractic care.

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900 Fulton Avenue, Suite 102
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 973-0623

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Mon, Tues, Thurs - 8am to 1pm | 3pm to 5pm
Weds - 8am to 1 pm
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