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Serving Northern California

Migraines: Where to Find Help

migraines-where-to-find-helpMigraines are a prevalent condition around the world. In the US alone, 39 million people have migraines. And the number seems to be on the rise. Nevertheless, finding a way to care for migraines seems to baffle those in the medical community. What works for one person, does not necessarily help everyone. This leaves not only patients but also doctors feeling frustrated. Researchers, doctors, and patients are all searching for answers. And, out of every 7 people who have a migraine, one goes to the ER looking for relief.

Some medical practitioners decide they have to rule out other causes for migraines. They do not want to be responsible for just writing off something as a migraine when a deeper problem exists, such as a stroke. Especially if you go to the ER, the doctors there are not familiar with your situation. The additional tests that they order add to the rising costs associated with migraines.

The majority of medical doctors will suggest some type or medication, either over-the-counter or prescription, to help you deal with your migraines. The medications commonly used to treat migraines are as follows:

    • Anti-seizure medications
    • Opioids
    • Beta-blockers

The growing trend, however, is for people to seek out more natural solutions to the pain of migraines. Where can this be found?

Migraines and Proper Neck Alignment

A common link has been seen between migraines and a misalignment in the bones of the upper cervical spine. Upper cervical chiropractors understand the connection here. If either the C1 or C2 vertebra is out of alignment, it can have a negative impact on the brainstem. This can cause the brainstem to send improper signals to the brain. A misalignment can also act as a type of hindrance to the flow of blood and cerebrospinal fluid leaving or reaching the brain.

Upper cervical chiropractors use a gentle method to help the neck bones realign themselves naturally, without the use of force. No popping or cracking of the spine is necessary to get the desired results. Many patients report an improvement in migraines after only a few visits.

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Providing patients with the best in chiropractic care.

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900 Fulton Avenue, Suite 102
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 973-0623

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