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Immune System Function Connected to Proper Spinal Alignment

immune-system-function-connected-proper-spinal-alignmentWe know that when we hear the term immune system, we are referring to overall health of the body. For if the immune system is worn down, the body is often sick and unhealthy. Each day more and more research is being done to give us a deeper understanding of what the body is and how it functions. Advances in technology help in this area helping us see more than we ever thought we could. New data causes old thinking patterns to become obsolete.

One thing that is new and exciting in this field has to do with how the brain and immune system are connected. This is helpful for those dealing with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and even diabetes. The connection being seen between the brain and the immune system indicates that the lymphatic system shows how inflammation in the body is a huge contributing factor to many neurological conditions. This changes the way doctors have previously cared for these conditions.

How Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Helps Immune System Function

Dr. Raymond Damadian, inventor of the MRI and the upright MRI, noticed that patients who had previously suffered neck trauma were at a higher risk for health problems. He observed the amount of cerebrospinal fluid and blood flow to the brain was reduced and seemed to happen before the onset of multiple sclerosis. The brain may be hindered from removing harmful waste if this occurs.

Further research indicates that there is a link between the atlas bone (the top bone of the neck) and the negative influence it has on the rest of the body. The immune system, central nervous system, and brain are all affected. This is because a misalignment in the neck can act as a hindrance to allowing cerebrospinal fluid and blood to reach or leave the brain in the proper amounts, leading to such diseases as MS, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.

Realigning the bone that is out of place is our specialty here at Body Balance Care in Sacramento, California. We use a gentle method to ensure proper results for the individual patient. Many see positive outcomes in only a few adjustments.


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Body Balance Spinal Care

Providing patients with the best in chiropractic care.

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900 Fulton Avenue, Suite 102
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 973-0623

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Mon, Tues, Thurs - 8am to 1pm | 3pm to 5pm
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