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How Can Spinal Care Help Autism?

Through the help of an upper cervical chiropractor in Sacramento, patients with autism can receive gentle adjustments for spinal misalignments they have. This helps ensure a properly functioning central nervous system, which plays a key role in sensory perception and brainstem function. 

There remains a question of whether autism is genetic or brought on by one’s environment. Several studies have concluded that the root cause can be a little bit of both. About 40% of cases showed that inherited genes play a big part. 

Other studies show that during the months when the fetus is developing inside the mother’s womb, the environment, such as nutrition and exposure to toxins, plays a part in the development of autism. 

Children who have autism are unable to understand their surroundings the way that people without autism can. According to experts, a vital time in genetic development takes place around the 10th to 24th weeks of pregnancy. It is also the time when autism begins to develop if the child develops it in the womb. One possible reason for this could be a high level of stress on the mother during pregnancy, especially stress due to illness or toxins. 

Another crucial period is after the child is born, from newborn until the age of six, in which multiple factors are a significant influence on the body and brain. It is also a time when a child can develop autism. It can hinder their sensory and social functions as they grow older. 

Spinal Care and Autism

A properly functioning brainstem is vital for the health of both mother and child. An excellent way to ensure this is through upper cervical chiropractic care. 

Even the slightest misalignment of ¼ of a millimeter can put pressure on the brainstem. It could cause interruptions to the communication between the brain and body. 

Having the spinal misalignment corrected helps ensure a properly functioning central nervous system. When the nervous system is operating at its best, it is able to adequately recognize and respond to physical and emotional stressors. This can lead to a happier and healthier life for both mother and child. If you’re in search of an upper cervical chiropractor in Sacramento, CA, we at Body Balance Spinal Care are here for you. If you have any more questions, feel free to drop us a line, or visit our clinic.

Body Balance Spinal Care

Providing patients with the best in chiropractic care.

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900 Fulton Avenue, Suite 102
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 973-0623

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Mon, Tues, Thurs - 8am to 1pm | 3pm to 5pm
Weds - 8am to 1 pm
Friday, Sat, Sun - Closed
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