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How Are Hypertension and Migraines Connected?

how-are-hypertension-and-migraines-connectedA case study of a 25-year-old woman who had experienced both hypertension and migraines was written about in the Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research. The woman was prescribed hydrochlorothiazide for her high blood pressure. This medication is associated with a long list of side effects such as headaches, nose bleeds, fever, joint pain, and indigestion. The young woman also chose to try upper cervical chiropractic care.

From her x-rays during the examination, it became clear that she had a misalignment of the C1 and C2 (the top two vertebrae in the neck). After she received an adjustment, her condition was reassessed by using the following methods:

    • Postural assessment
    • Paraspinal thermography
    • Supine leg length assessment
    • Blood pressure measurement

In a little under three months, the woman reported experiencing fewer episodes and less severe migraines as well as lower blood pressure than she had before.

Upper Cervical Alignment and Blood Pressure

The average weight of a human head is about 10-12 pounds. It is carefully balanced on the uppermost bones of the spine. When the top vertebrae of the neck move out of alignment, it often goes unnoticed because there are not usually any immediate indicating signs that this has happened. However, this kind of misalignment can negatively affect blood flow blood pressure. There are a number of other conditions and symptoms that can develop as well. The reason for this is that the C1 and C2, if misaligned, put stress on the brainstem and a several other vascular structures.

Upper cervical chiropractors are specially and thoroughly trained to identify this specific type of misalignment. They are able to restore the vertebrae to their proper positions. In one simple consultation we can help determine whether the upper vertebrae are out of alignment and know if an adjustment is necessary. With as little as one adjustment, you could find the relief you’ve been looking for. It’s worth scheduling a consultation to see whether this natural solution to hypertension and other conditions is the answer for you.

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900 Fulton Avenue, Suite 102
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 973-0623

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