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Serving Northern California

Chronic Fatigue: Getting Your Energy Back

chronic-fatigue-getting-your-energy-backChronic fatigue is not to be confused with fibromyalgia. The two conditions are similar in some ways and they can both be helped by upper cervical chiropractic care; however, they are entirely different conditions.

Chronic fatigue causes those who suffer from it to have extreme exhaustion not relieved by any amount of rest. There was a time the medical community doubted chronic fatigue was a real condition. However, time and a deeper understanding have helped this condition to become more accepted. Nevertheless, very little is understood about it even now.

What is known is that the person who has it is usually unable to live their life as they used to before they were diagnosed. Sleeping and rest should result in a type of recharging of our batteries. However, if you have chronic fatigue, sleep and rest do you no good whatsoever. You almost always feel run down and tired with very little energy.

Theories point to a reason for chronic fatigue being a result of a malfunction in the central nervous system. The central nervous system is made up, in part, of the brainstem, the brain, and the spinal cord. So, what is causing this important part of the body to not work properly?

Spinal Misalignments Lead to Chronic Fatigue

It only takes a small misalignment in the bones of the upper spine to create a problem with the central nervous system. If the C1 or C2 vertebra is out of alignment, even by ¼ of a millimeter, the brainstem can be put under stress, leading to a variety of health problems in the body. By correcting the problem, things such as sleep issues can be restored back to normal function. The brain and the body can communicate properly once again. This is done by using a gentle method to encourage the bones to move back into place naturally. Often this is all that is needed to help our patients see relief from the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.

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Body Balance Spinal Care

Providing patients with the best in chiropractic care.

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900 Fulton Avenue, Suite 102
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 973-0623

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