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How the Brain Reacts to a Concussion

Concussion, Head Trauma, Headache, Head Pain, Post-Concussion Syndrome, Post Concussion Syndrome, Post - Concussion Syndrome, Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, MTBJConcussions are also referred to as a mild traumatic brain injury or MTBI. They can be caused by trauma to the head or neck – a fall, being hit, or bumping the head on something. One typically thinks that a concussion will lead to a problem in the head. However, it may be a problem in the neck that is more concerning. The sudden jerking motion of the head can cause the bones of the neck to misalign. It may be called a mild injury, but that doesn’t mean the aftereffects can’t be serious. It simply refers to the fact that it is not life-threatening.

Concussions Can Change a Person’s Life and Personality

When one has experienced a concussion, if not properly cared for immediately, it can lead to post-concussion-syndrome (PCS). A neuroscientist from the University of San Diego, Dr. Aron, states that when one has an MTBI, sharp ridges are created within the skull that can cause bruising whenever the brain quickly moves forward. This can actually have a negative effect on one’s behavior, movement, and ability to control one’s emotions.

This information sheds some light on self-control and control functions, according to Dr. Aron. These bodily functions may be affected in a number of cases, such as Tourette’s, ADHD, stuttering, and addictions if one has undergone some kind of brain trauma or concussion.

A Concussion’s Effect – Beyond the Brain

As mentioned, the brain is not the only part of the body to be impacted when one has suffered a concussion. A misalignment in the top bones of the spine – the C1 and C2 vertebrae – may have occurred, negatively affecting the brainstem and spinal cord and thus hindering communication between the brain and body. This becomes apparent in emotional and physical problems.

However, this is not a permanent situation. The bones of the neck can be realigned through a unique form of chiropractic called upper cervical care. It involves using a gentle method to help the bones to realign without cracking or popping the spine. This can restore the body’s communication system and lead to a reversal of the negative effects brought about by a concussion.


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900 Fulton Avenue, Suite 102
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 973-0623

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