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The Basics of Vertigo and Where to Find Help

Vertigo Relief, Dizziness Relief, Dizzy, Meniere’s Relief, Vertigo, Dizziness, Meniere’s , Meniere’s Disease Vertigo is often described as the sensation of spinning. It may be that the person feels as if he is spinning or he may feel that his surroundings are spinning around him. Some mistakenly think it is fear or heights, but this is not true. Therefore, the question is why does vertigo happen?

Vertigo is related to the balancing system in the body. When we are born, we naturally are in balance with our environment. When this sense of balance malfunctions, it is often due to damage done to the inner ear. The ear plays a vital role in balance. Let’s see how:

  • The outer ear is called the pinna. It allows sounds to come in and travel through the ear canal leading to the ear drum.
  • The cochlea receives vibrations from the ear drum. Nerves are then stimulated and send these vibrations to the brain. The end result is sound.
  • Near the top of the cochlea, there are semicircular canals. They are filled with fluid. These are part of the balancing system that tells the brain where the body is located. If injured, incorrect signals are sent, and the brain perceives that the body or the things surrounding it are spinning.

Can Vertigo Be Alleviated?

One area of care that has seen success in treating vertigo patients is that of upper cervical chiropractic care. Often, vertigo can be linked to a misalignment of the upper neck vertebrae, particularly the top two bones of the neck called the C1 and C2. If they are even misaligned slightly, problems can ensue throughout the body. This is due to the fact that the brainstem meets with the spinal cord at the exact location of these bones. A misalignment puts undue pressure on the brainstem hindering it from sending the proper signals to the brain from the body. Once corrected, vertigo often is relieved along with other health issues.


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900 Fulton Avenue, Suite 102
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 973-0623

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