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As a doctor for vertigo based in Sacramento, I’ve seen how people deal with their various dizzy symptoms. Dizzy spells, or episodes of dizziness, are actually quite common among people. Most of us have experienced at least one episode in our lives. Children even spin in circles to purposely feel this sensation. 

But how do you know when dizzy spells should be a cause for concern? There are some tell-tale signs, which I’ll discuss in this short article.

The Symptoms

Certain dizzy spells need special attention, like if they are a byproduct of a bad fall or head injury. It could indicate a concussion or a misalignment on the upper vertebrae in the spine. In turn, misalignments impact the blood flow to the brain, and can lead to migraines or vertigo attacks. 

Migraine and vertigo symptoms often go together, particularly with the spinning sensation. And even if an injury occurred years ago, the injury could still affect the body after many years. 

Some signs to look out for are visual problems, weakness and numbness, and speech issues. They are usually similar to stroke symptoms. Seek medical attention right away if you think you might be having a stroke.

Alleviating Dizzy Spells Through Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care

As I’ve mentioned, a misalignment may easily cause dizzy spells. But that is something that upper cervical chiropractic care can provide relief for. 

Here at Body Balance Spinal Care, we use gentle and precise techniques to bring the upper vertebrae back to alignment. As a result, blood flow goes back to normal, leading to a reduction and even the elimination of dizzy spells. 

Our patients report positive feedback and how our care has changed their lives for the better. If you’re looking for a doctor for vertigo based in Sacramento, drop by my clinic for a complimentary consultation. Or you can call me at (916) 973-0623.

Dizziness can be a result of vertigo. As a doctor for vertigo based in Sacramento, I know how terrifying dizziness can be for those who experience it. Bouts of dizziness may strike out of the blue. You may be doing perfectly fine, and then out of nowhere start feeling lightheaded and off balance.

To understand better why dizziness occurs, we’ll explain how the body functions. You should know that the body depends on three major systems to help you keep your balance. 

The inner ear

The inner ear consists of fluid-filled canals and sensors to distinguish when that fluid is moving. The inner ear also works with gravity to keep your body moving correctly. 

The eyes

The eyes transmit visual signals to the brain. They decide where the body is in its environment and whether or not the body is operating as it should be. 

The sensory nerves

The nerves send crucial sensory messages to and from the brain about the body’s location in its environment.

Dizziness can follow if any of these systems begin to malfunction. It can be in the form of disequilibrium (feeling off balance) or vertigo (a false feeling of spinning). Your doctor may prescribe medication to help temporarily. However, it is best to address the underlying cause of dizziness to get long-lasting results. 

An Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Sacramento Can Help

Upper cervical chiropractors such as Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, CA recognize the connection between these systems and dizziness. We employ upper cervical chiropractic care, a technique that has been successful in caring for patients with dizziness by correcting a misalignment in the uppermost bones of the neck — the C1 and C2 vertebrae. 

When these bones misalign, they put pressure on the brainstem. The brainstem is the body’s communication highway. It sends information to and from the brain and body. If it starts to be faulty, it may tell the brain that the body is moving when it is not. This can lead to dizziness, disequilibrium, or vertigo. 

Upper cervical chiropractic care is both gentle and effective. It encourages the bones to return to their original positions without using hard force. Most of our patients experience an improvement in their dizziness through our care. Contact us today to learn more.

If you’re reading this post, chances are you have been seeking a natural cure for vertigo available near your area. Whether it’s you, a friend, or a family member suffering from vertigo, it is vital to understand the problem and get the best treatment there is. We’re here to help you with your predicament.

Key Facts About Vertigo

Vertigo affects about 5 to 10% of people worldwide, and a person increases their chance of getting the condition by 40% once they reach the age of 40. It can be such an incapacitating disorder that it accounted for 2.5% of all visits to the emergency room from 1995 to 2004.

Vertigo can be brought on by standing up too quickly or whirling around. Following head injuries like a concussion, vertigo may also develop. Vertigo can be a chronic condition, which may display itself as Meniere's Disease.

While there are multiple causes of vertigo, there is only one underlying source of the condition – it is a problem of the vestibular system. This part of the body regulates orientation and balance. The vestibular system provides essential information to the central nervous system, which consists of the brain, the spinal cord, and brainstem.

Body Balance Spinal Care, a Sacramento Chiropractor for Vertigo

There is a natural cure for vertigo that differs from traditional medical remedies. Prescription drugs work as temporary relief, but they can be risky as they have side effects that can be unpleasant and dangerous for patients. Exercises do train the brain to cope with the body’s failure to deal with its environment, but they might take a long time before results are enjoyed.

Another treatment option that vertigo sufferers have is upper cervical chiropractic care, and many people are sharing their success stories with it. This gentle and precise type of chiropractic care concentrates on aligning the top two vertebrae in the upper cervical spine – the atlas and axis – to regain the brain’s ability to communicate correctly with the body. Returning the proper communication will allow the body to start healing itself, thus easing chronic conditions such as vertigo.

Here at Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California, we help people to function at their best. Schedule a consultation with us to learn more about our treatments for vertigo.

To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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Vertigo is a symptom associated with vestibular conditions. It gives people a false sense of movement, making it feel as though the things around them are moving or spinning. This symptom is commonly treated with prescriptions or over-the-counter medications. Unfortunately, this does not deal with the actual root cause of vertigo, making it very likely that the vertigo symptom will return.

Jordan Sparks, a former American Idol star, has had bouts of vertigo. She tweeted that the vertigo prevented her from sleeping for 4 days in a row. She mentioned that she also had the sensation whether she laid down or sat up. Strangely enough, she released a song called Vertigo back in 2009 that focused on the affect that love could have on someone, making them feel dizzy. However, in the case that she tweeted about, love had nothing to do with it. Instead, it was related to an inner ear infection that caused vertigo.

Proper Spinal Alignment Alleviates Vertigo

There is recorded evidence that vertigo often happens following an injury or trauma to the head or neck. The reason for this is because the bones of the upper neck shift out of alignment, thereby inhibiting the vestibular system from working properly. This causes distortion in the communication between the brain and body. A misalignment in this area of the body creates compromises in balance and can initiate many other health-related problems, including the spinning experience of vertigo.

At Body Balance Spinal Care, we use modern diagnostic technology to find even the mildest misalignments in the upper cervical spine. Even a slight shift of alignment such as ¼ of a millimeter can be the catalyst for serious issues. Upon locating the misalignment, we are able to correct it by administering a low-force correction to the neck. We don’t need to pop or crack the neck or spine to realign the bones because we use a gentle method called NUCCA that works with the bones, encouraging them to return into place naturally and allowing the body to repair any damage that may have occurred during the subluxation.

To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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relief-options-for-vertigo-sufferersWhat is Vertigo?

A surprising statistic about vertigo is the number of those suffering from it. It is known to be affecting 5%-10% of all people, and the likelihood of developing this condition rises to 40% when a person reaches age 40. This crippling syndrome contributed to 2.5% of all emergency room visits, from 1995 to 2004.

Vertigo is not simply an isolated episode in between events in normal life. Due to the randomness of the attacks, many people suffer from anxiety after an attack of vertigo as they anticipate when the next one will take place. When people experience vertigo, they feel as though they or the world are spinning around when in fact they are standing still. The severity of the symptoms can vary from case to case, from dizziness to complete dysfunction in the equilibrium.

While there could be many causes of vertigo, the origin is well known. The condition develops when the vestibular system, the part of the body responsible for spatial awareness and maintaining balance, is not functioning properly.

Finding a Solution for Vertigo

There are several treatment options that vertigo patients are offered. Most of these options provide only temporary relief from the symptoms, leaving the underlying cause to continue. Prescription drugs are one option, as well as brain exercises, intended to train the brain to better handle the disorienting episodes that afflict it.

A third option, upper cervical chiropractic care, is getting more attention as the convincing recovery results gain momentum among former vertigo sufferers. This gentle type of chiropractic treatment focuses on the upper two vertebrae, which are responsible for housing the body and brain’s communication system, also known as the brainstem. When alignment is restored to this specific area in the neck, the signals carried through the brainstem can once again be sent accurately and efficiently. This results in a decrease and even complete elimination of vertigo symptoms.

To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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menieres-disease-can-helpedYou may have heard the term Meniere’s disease but know little about it. If you have recently been diagnosed, it is important to educate yourself about what it is and where to find help. This article will help you do so.

Meniere’s disease is a medical condition of the inner ear. It is known for the following symptoms:

At attack of Meniere’s can come about suddenly and last for over an hour. Usually, only one ear is impacted. As many as 615,000 patients are diagnosed with Meniere’s disease. It is most often seen in the age range of 20 to 50 years.

Traditional Care for Meniere’s Disease

If you visit your primary care physician to find help for Meniere’s, you may leave the office with a prescription or a suggestion of over-the-counter medications to help with nausea or motion sickness. Care is focused on individual symptoms rather than the underlying cause because no one is really sure what that is. So, medication may help ease the symptoms, but Meniere’s will continue to persist until the root cause is identified.

How Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Helps Meniere’s Disease

One thing that has been seen to be related to Meniere’s disease is a misalignment of the bones of the upper cervical spine, particularly the C1 and C2. These bones are in the same area as the brainstem and act as a protection for it. However, if they misalign due to a blow to the head or neck, they can put the brainstem under stress and cause it to malfunction. If the brainstem begins sending the brain improper signals about the location of the body, Meniere’s can be the end result.

Here at Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California, we use a gentle method to help realign these bones. This allows the body to heal and often results in the symptoms of Meniere’s disease becoming a thing of the past.


To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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Body Balance Spinal Care

Providing patients with the best in chiropractic care.

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900 Fulton Avenue, Suite 102
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(916) 973-0623

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