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Serving Northern California

As a neck pain chiropractor in Sacramento, I’ve been asked if sleeping positions are a factor. The answer is a resounding yes. 

There is a right way and a wrong way to sleep. Logically, being in an awkward position for six to eight hours straight will induce some form of pain and discomfort upon waking up. 

This short article aims to educate you more about the proper sleeping positions to avoid neck pain. I will discuss this, and toward the end, I will reveal a natural form of relief. 

The Right and Wrong Way to Sleep

I’ll give it to you straight: sleeping on your stomach is hard on your neck. Even if it seems like a comfortable position to some people, it puts your neck at an awkward angle. 

Think of it as looking over your shoulder for an entire day. If you did that, your neck muscles would be tense and your neck would probably feel stiff.  

A decent sleeping position is on your side. But the key here is to provide support for your neck and not have your head slanted toward the bed. Keep a pillow between your knees to keep your lower back supported. 

The best sleeping position is on your back. It’s a position that provides an equal amount of support to the back and neck, especially if kept in a neutral position. 

Keeping Proper Neck Alignment

Upper cervical chiropractic care is one way to ensure proper neck alignment. It is a form of relief I specialize in here in my clinic, Body Balance Spinal Care. I use precise and gentle methods to encourage any misaligned vertebrae in the upper neck to return to their correct alignment. If you’re looking for a neck pain chiropractor in Sacramento, you know where to go. For questions or to schedule a free consultation, you may call me at (916) 973-0623 or fill out an online contact form.

Neck pain in Sacramento, California and anywhere else in the world is becoming increasingly common, and modern technology is mostly to blame. Tech neck, also called text neck, is the damage you incur to your neck as a result of extending your head or neck too far forward over your body for prolonged periods while looking at your phone or using other technology. 

Bad Technology Habits Lead to Neck Pain

Tech neck mostly affects the younger generation as they often slump over tablets, smartphones, and other electronic devices for hours each day. This results in the neck losing its natural curve, causing an imbalance in the upper body.

To know better the gravity of this situation, we have to understand how the body works. The head iss quite heavy at 12-15 lbs. For every inch the head is tilted forward, the force that the spine must support is twice as much.

Unhealthy habits such as bending your neck down to look at your phone can result in increased neck and back pain. Not only that, it can also lead to several other health problems, including:

Relieving Neck Pain Caused by Technology

Undoing the damage of tech neck is a process that involves breaking bad habits, doing exercises, and trusting upper cervical chiropractic care. 

As an upper cervical chiropractor, I witness in my practice the drastic outcomes of tech neck to the body. To help patients be free from neck pain, I perform various examinations and locate any misalignments in the neck. I make gentle and accurate adjustments to correct any misalignments. Once done, much of the stress is taken off of the spine, restoring the overall health of the body.

If you have been complaining of neck pain, a great option to relieve it is by scheduling a consultation with us here at Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California. A possible cause for neck pain is a misalignment of the two topmost vertebrae of the upper cervical spine. When these vertebrae realign into their correct positions, it results in relief from neck pain and discomfort. We can facilitate the corrections. Give us a call today.

neck-pain-why-is-it-happening-and-what-can-be-doneWhat are the reasons you have neck pain? There are a variety of answers. It could be anywhere from the way you sit at work to chronic pain or whiplash caused by an automobile accident. Symptoms include neck pain and stiffness in the shoulders and arms. Even a simple pillow can cause stress on your neck, causing neck pain.

How can a pillow cause one to have neck pain? It's from an uncomfortable positioning of the neck while sleeping with the head on a pillow. If you have a wrong pillow, such as one that is too soft or too hard, it can be a contributing factor to your neck pain. It is suggested for those who sleep on their back to use a thinner pillow which will prevent the head from being tilted too far forward. There are even pillows that have neck support available for those who sleep on their back. For those of you who sleep on your side, you will need a firmer pillow. One that is higher in the neck than the head will keep your spine aligned in a more natural position. 

 Where Else Can You Turn for Help?

There are doctors who specialize in relieving neck pain. They are family or primary care doctors, neurologists, chiropractors and physical therapists. Some people have searched for and found  NUCCA. What does that stand for? It's National Upper Cervical Chiropractor Association. It is a specific type of spinal care that uses a gentle technique to encourage the bones of the neck to move back into place on their own, without forcing them to do so. A 2009 study revealed the benefits of this low-force correction to relieve neck pain. Most patients reported seeing an improvement in their symptoms after just a few adjustments. If you have been suffering from neck pain and cannot seem to find an answer, it may be time to visit an upper cervical chiropractor.

To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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If you are outside of the Sacramento area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

neck-pain-the-causes-and-a-solutionBy the time a third of Americans reach the age of 50, they have already been afflicted with some type of neck and/or back pain. The neck has a huge responsibility of supporting the weight of the head and keeping it balanced. It also has a great range of motion, allowing the head to turn in many directions. This makes the neck more susceptible to injuries that may impact its range of motion.

Neck Pain Causes

A common complaint when it comes to neck pain is feeling stiff and sore upon waking up in the morning. Some feel it might be due to the wrong pillow or the way they slept. This is very likely to be the culprit. The way that you sleep can have a huge impact on how you feel when you wake up.

The cervical spine is comprised of seven bones. The upper bones, the C1 and C2 vertebrae, are different than the rest. They have no disc in between to cushion and separate them. They do not lock like the other joints. This makes them more susceptible to misaligning, which, in turn, leads to neck pain.

Relief for Neck Pain

Here at Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California, our focus is on making sure the C1 and C2 are in proper alignment. If not, we use a gentle, precise method based on scientific measurements that does not require us to pop or crack the neck. Once the bones move back into place, patients often find relief for their neck pain.

To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

Schedule a consultation at Body Balance Spinal Care

If you are outside of the Sacramento area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Body Balance Spinal Care

Providing patients with the best in chiropractic care.

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900 Fulton Avenue, Suite 102
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 973-0623

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