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Serving Northern California

As a migraine headache chiropractor based in Sacramento, I've encountered this question a lot. While all of us will experience at least one headache throughout our lives, women seem to be more susceptible to them. 

Research shows that women are 50 percent more likely to get headaches compared to their male counterparts. But why is that so? That is what we'll answer in this article. 

Toward the end, I will also provide you with a natural, long-term solution for headache relief. 

Women and Headaches

There are several valid reasons why women get more headaches than men do. For one, fluctuating hormone levels play a huge role in the development of headaches. High estrogen levels often occur at the same time as headaches. 

Another interesting fact is that headaches in women may be due to not wearing the proper bra size. Here are some other pieces of information pointed out: 

A Healthier Spine Means Fewer Headaches

If you feel your spine isn't correctly positioned, you can rely on upper cervical chiropractic care to fix that for you. 

Here at Body Balance Spinal Care, we don't use the popping and cracking techniques done by traditional chiropractors. Instead, we use gentle and precise methods to move the spine back into alignment. If you're looking for a migraine headache chiropractor based in Sacramento to do that for you, I am at your service. For more information, you may call me at (916) 973-0623. 

To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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If you are outside of the Sacramento area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

As a migraine headache chiropractor based in Sacramento, I am very familiar with headaches and their various forms. Many patients come to my office to get help for their head pain. Headaches are almost inevitable as they develop due to many factors that are sometimes beyond one’s control, such as getting the flu, having stress, or becoming dehydrated. Headaches range from mild aches to severe head pain that can disrupt a patient’s daily activities. 

Care Options for All Types of Headaches

The widely used and go-to solution for many people is an over-the-counter pain medication. Doctors also often recommend patients have a rest in a cool, dark, and quiet room. 

Severe headaches may require prescription medications. However, many headache sufferers do not take them unless the pain is unbearable and recurring, as they are often worried about the unpleasant side effects that come with some medications. Some medications can have harmful effects when taken for an extended period. 

For these reasons, headache patients seek natural and safe options for headache relief. One relief option that has been getting recognition from patients is upper cervical chiropractic care. Let’s look at how effective this unique method is.

Headaches Resolved by Upper Cervical Chiropractic

The C1 and C2 are two vertebrae in the neck, just below the skull. Upper cervical chiropractic focuses on ensuring the proper alignment of these two bones. Misalignment of these two bones can result in the restriction of blood flow and neurological function. Once these occur, it increases anyone’s risk of developing headaches and even migraines.

Here at Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California, patients with all headache types, from tension headaches to severe migraines, can have hope. As a reliable migraine headache chiropractor based in Sacramento, I examine each patient’s spine thoroughly to locate the exact position of misalignment. This helps determine the root cause of the headache. 

I then employ a method that is both gentle and accurate to bring back the neck bones to their correct positions. Once realigned, healthy blood flow and nervous system function can be restored and headaches can improve or be gone completely. Call (916) 973-0623 to start your upper cervical chiropractic sessions and say goodbye to your headaches.

As a migraine chiropractor in Sacramento, one of our challenges is convincing potential patients that lasting relief exists. Most of the patients who come to our office have tried several things to care for their pain, making them skeptical of other treatments claiming to help. We can’t blame them for it as migraines can be truly devastating and can cause anyone to miss fun activities with family and friends. 

The Distressing Realities of Migraines

As many as 39 million Americans live with migraines. Women are at higher risk for migraines, but men and children suffer just the same. Migraines may be common, but there’s a lot more to learn about the neurological condition. Since doctors have a lot of theories but few proven facts about why migraines occur, there are many cases of misdiagnosis and proper care is difficult to achieve. 

Is There Lasting Relief for Migraines?

Prescription or over-the-counter medications come with various unpleasant side effects. They provide temporary relief but are proven to be less effective in stopping migraines from reoccurring. It’s a good thing that there’s a natural way to treat migraines — upper cervical chiropractic care!

Research Proves Effectiveness of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care

A study observed 101 migraine sufferers. Out of them, 87 endured a specific head or neck trauma before the onset of their migraines. They all received personalized atlas adjustments by an upper cervical chiropractic specialist. The outcome was amazing! Eighty-five patients saw their headaches disappear, while the remaining 12 had less frequent and less severe migraine attacks. 

How Upper Cervical Care Relieves Migraines

Here at Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California, we recognize the delicate relationship between the top bones of the neck and migraines. If one of these bones misaligns, it can take a toll on the nervous system and can cause postural imbalances that irritate nerves. Improper blood flow to and from the brain and a nervous system malfunction can be the result. These are both reasons for migraines to develop. Through upper cervical chiropractic care, these bones can realign, restoring the normal function of the nervous system. Nearly all our patients experience similar results to the study mentioned above. 

Migraines are very painful and can be entirely debilitating most of the time. Unfortunately, migraines are included in the list of other uncomfortable pregnancy  symptoms like bloating, cramps, swelling and restless legs. For some women, migraines are something they suffer from for the entire nine months of pregnancy. In fact, the further into the pregnancy they get, sometimes the more that the migraines increase. Understandably, these soon-to-be moms are desperate for some kind of relief that will not harm their unborn baby.

Usually, a primary care physician will suggest something like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or drinking caffeine (no more than four cups per day). It is recommended to get a doctor’s approval before attempting this and only to take the suggested dosage. It’s important for pregnant women to recognize that anything they ingest will go into their baby’s body. Using this method of pain relief may not work as well for some people. For example, caffeine could trigger a migraine and Tylenol may not even work at all.

Alternative Ways to Care for Migraines

If you are looking for natural migraine relief, here are a few options to consider:

The goal behind each of these options is to alleviate the stress that is often the trigger for migraines. It is an excellent first choice to avoid stress as much as it is possible and focus on activities to reduce your stress, which can decrease migraines during pregnancy.

Another very practical way to cope with migraines is to lie down in a cool, dark room with something cool on your forehead and/or back of your neck. Practice keeping your mind relaxed and try falling asleep. If you are able to do this prior to the pain getting too intense, it could slow down the migraine and may even keep you from getting a severe migraine.

How Neck Alignment Is Connected to Migraines

A final and noteworthy alternative way of achieving relief for pregnant women with migraines is the use of upper cervical chiropractic care. In many cases, a misalignment, even as slight as ¼ of a millimeter, in the C1 or C2 vertebra can lead to the onset of migraines. This misalignment can easily be corrected by a gentle method that helps the bones to realign naturally. For many patients, this is all that is necessary to alleviate migraines and prevent future attacks. If you are interested in this completely natural and safe migraine treatment, make an appointment for a free consultation so we can discuss further how we can bring you the relief you have been looking for.

To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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how-are-hypertension-and-migraines-connectedA case study of a 25-year-old woman who had experienced both hypertension and migraines was written about in the Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research. The woman was prescribed hydrochlorothiazide for her high blood pressure. This medication is associated with a long list of side effects such as headaches, nose bleeds, fever, joint pain, and indigestion. The young woman also chose to try upper cervical chiropractic care.

From her x-rays during the examination, it became clear that she had a misalignment of the C1 and C2 (the top two vertebrae in the neck). After she received an adjustment, her condition was reassessed by using the following methods:

In a little under three months, the woman reported experiencing fewer episodes and less severe migraines as well as lower blood pressure than she had before.

Upper Cervical Alignment and Blood Pressure

The average weight of a human head is about 10-12 pounds. It is carefully balanced on the uppermost bones of the spine. When the top vertebrae of the neck move out of alignment, it often goes unnoticed because there are not usually any immediate indicating signs that this has happened. However, this kind of misalignment can negatively affect blood flow blood pressure. There are a number of other conditions and symptoms that can develop as well. The reason for this is that the C1 and C2, if misaligned, put stress on the brainstem and a several other vascular structures.

Upper cervical chiropractors are specially and thoroughly trained to identify this specific type of misalignment. They are able to restore the vertebrae to their proper positions. In one simple consultation we can help determine whether the upper vertebrae are out of alignment and know if an adjustment is necessary. With as little as one adjustment, you could find the relief you’ve been looking for. It’s worth scheduling a consultation to see whether this natural solution to hypertension and other conditions is the answer for you.

To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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migraines-where-to-find-helpMigraines are a prevalent condition around the world. In the US alone, 39 million people have migraines. And the number seems to be on the rise. Nevertheless, finding a way to care for migraines seems to baffle those in the medical community. What works for one person, does not necessarily help everyone. This leaves not only patients but also doctors feeling frustrated. Researchers, doctors, and patients are all searching for answers. And, out of every 7 people who have a migraine, one goes to the ER looking for relief.

Some medical practitioners decide they have to rule out other causes for migraines. They do not want to be responsible for just writing off something as a migraine when a deeper problem exists, such as a stroke. Especially if you go to the ER, the doctors there are not familiar with your situation. The additional tests that they order add to the rising costs associated with migraines.

The majority of medical doctors will suggest some type or medication, either over-the-counter or prescription, to help you deal with your migraines. The medications commonly used to treat migraines are as follows:

The growing trend, however, is for people to seek out more natural solutions to the pain of migraines. Where can this be found?

Migraines and Proper Neck Alignment

A common link has been seen between migraines and a misalignment in the bones of the upper cervical spine. Upper cervical chiropractors understand the connection here. If either the C1 or C2 vertebra is out of alignment, it can have a negative impact on the brainstem. This can cause the brainstem to send improper signals to the brain. A misalignment can also act as a type of hindrance to the flow of blood and cerebrospinal fluid leaving or reaching the brain.

Upper cervical chiropractors use a gentle method to help the neck bones realign themselves naturally, without the use of force. No popping or cracking of the spine is necessary to get the desired results. Many patients report an improvement in migraines after only a few visits.

To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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headaches-related-to-neck-problems-in-many-casesIt may surprise you to find out that nearly 20 percent of chronic headache conditions are related to issues with the neck, according to The News-Press. This type of a headache is referred to as a cervicogenic headache. Not only is the neck involved but often posture plays a role.

It doesn’t seem to matter whether you are at work or at home. You may be doing things that cause your neck to have problems. These may be everyday things you don’t even think about. For example, if you sit at a desk all day for work, you are most likely doing some damage to your neck. It is possible your chair, keyboard, monitor, and desk are not in the proper position. In addition, it is often hard to remember to take a break every 45 minutes from looking at the computer screen. If you are home, you may want to just relax and binge watch your favorite TV show. However, if your tablet is on your lap and you are craning your neck to see it, you may be doing more damage to your neck than you realize.

Ways to Help Your Neck and Help Your Headaches

One thing you can do to improve your posture and help reduce your headaches is to be conscious of your posture whether at work or at home. If you are using your phone or your tablet, try to keep it propped on a stand so you are not tempted to lean your head forward. When working, your chair should allow your feet to reach the ground or you may want to get a footstool. If possible, keep your monitor at eye level and remember to take breaks every 45 minutes.

Another important step to neck health is to visit us here at Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California. We use a gentle method that allows the bones of your neck to move back into proper alignment without the need to pop or crack the neck. This may be all you need to see the end to headaches caused by neck issues.

To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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If you are outside of the Sacramento area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Body Balance Spinal Care

Providing patients with the best in chiropractic care.

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900 Fulton Avenue, Suite 102
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 973-0623

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Mon, Tues, Thurs - 8am to 1pm | 3pm to 5pm
Weds - 8am to 1 pm
Friday, Sat, Sun - Closed
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