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Serving Northern California

Multiple Sclerosis. MS, Extreme tiredness, Dizzy, Dizziness, Weak, Fog This may be a new thought for a person suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS). However, there is research being done that backs this up. One such researcher is Dr. Erin Elster. She found a strong link between injuries that have occurred to the head and neck and certain neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. She states that this link remains controversial, though much research done by others backs up her claims.

In further research, she notes that Dr. Charles Poser saw that in patients with MS, trauma to the brain and spinal cord, like damage from whiplash, can actually act as a trigger for symptoms of MS to appear.

More Research on Multiple Sclerosis

Additional research has been conducted that shows an alteration in blood flow in patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. This research also shows a connection between upper neck misalignments and the change in blood flow to and from the brain. Additionally, there is a connection made to patients with migraine headaches and blood flow restriction. Much more research has been and is being done to prove similar results.

Dr. Paulo Zamboni, an Italian researcher who focuses on multiple sclerosis, saw that 90% of all MS patients have some type of blockage or deformity in their brains that keeps cerebral blood flow from draining properly leading to intracranial pressure. He refers to this as chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency or CCSVI.

The Upper Cervical Connection

At Body Balance Spinal Care, we have been specifically trained to detect and correct misalignments of the upper neck vertebrae. Many times, the top two bones of the neck misalign due to minor accidents or trips and falls. If this is the case, they can hinder blood flow and cerebrospinal fluid flow to and from the brain creating the right condition for CCSVI. This, in turn, may cause a person to experience symptoms of MS. Once corrected, however, this intracranial pressure can return to normal. It is possible that the body will begin healing itself, and MS symptoms may be helped. Many of our patients have reported feeling much better overall after ensuring that their necks are in the best condition possible.


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Dr. Donald Erwin of Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California is an Upper Cervical Chiropractor trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA).Over the past 21 years, Dr. Erwin has helped many people find natural relief in Sacramento, California. His upper cervical clinic also serves the communities of Elk Grove, Roseville, Yuba City, Davis and Placerville. He is uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, sciatica, digestive disorders and auto injuries. More information can be found on his website at

Spinal Health, Health, Sports, StretchingSports not only help to promote a healthy lifestyle—they are fun. For this reason, young and old alike participate in a variety of activities involving athletic skill. In order to keep fit and safe while playing, there are a few things even pro athletes do.

One example is stretching before playing. Think back to when you last saw a sporting event, likely the players were warming up and stretching right before it was time to start. Keeping muscles flexible and warmed up before and after a game or match is something simple that can be done to help keep one safe from injury.

Caring for the spine is a very important way in which many professional athletes keep themselves in optimal health. Part of that regimen at times includes regular visits to an upper cervical chiropractor. This ensures that the upper vertebrae are properly aligned. How can that help? Consider the following benefits:

  1. Better balance
  2. Increased speed
  3. Improved agility
  4. Quicker recovery time
  5. Improved response time

How Upper Cervical Chiropractic Promotes Spinal Health

Housed within the upper vertebrae are important channels of communication. The communication is between the brain and brainstem with the rest of the body via the central nervous system. Vascular and other networks are there as well. If there is a misalignment, it can delay or even obstruct the pathways. Keeping the pathways open allows for optimum performance while in play, but even in everyday activities. Injuries to this area can cause a host of issues. For lasting health on and off the field, maintaining proper alignment is important. If you play sports, come and see us at Body Balance Spinal Care. We can help make sure your upper cervical region is stable and properly aligned.


To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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Dr. Donald Erwin of Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California is an Upper Cervical Chiropractor trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA).Over the past 21 years, Dr. Erwin has helped many people find natural relief in Sacramento, California. His upper cervical clinic also serves the communities of Elk Grove, Roseville, Yuba City, Davis and Placerville. He is uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, sciatica, digestive disorders and auto injuries. More information can be found on his website at

Migraine, Migraines, Headache, Headaches, Head Pain, Migraine Headaches, Migraine Relief, Headache ReliefSome may find it surprising to learn that migraines can be caused by too much inflammation in the body. What is inflammation? It is the body’s response to an injury in order to protect it from further damage. It may produce warmth, swelling, redness, and pain and is a result of infection, irritation, and damage internally or externally. Basically, it is the body’s way of going into defense mode.

Sometimes the body needs a little help to counteract whatever problem it is facing. In some instances, icing the area of inflammation can help. However, the body may over-react and continue to send small amounts of anti-inflammatory substances that begin to attack healthy blood vessels, tissues, and cells.

In some ways, it can be compared to a house fire. If there is a fire, a water hose can do much good to put the fire out. However, without a fire, a water hose can do damage to the home and its contents. So, what does this all have to do with migraines?

Migraines—The Body’s Response

If the body continues to send anti-inflammatory substances throughout the body to fight inflammation, when there is no inflammation to fight, it can lead to migraine headaches and a number of other health problems. Often, the reason the body does this is due to a misalignment in the upper neck vertebrae.

Because the spinal cord and brainstem meet up at this point, any improper positioning of the bones in the upper neck can cause the central nervous system to malfunction. This means that signals being sent to and from the brain and body are hindered, and the brain may begin sending those anti-inflammatory substances into overdrive.

Upper cervical chiropractors specialize in discovering where these misalignments lie and then working with our patients individually to correct them. Once corrected, inflammation will decrease allowing the body to heal itself naturally. Many have reported a decrease in migraine symptoms, with some patients having them go away entirely.


To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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Dr. Donald Erwin of Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California is an Upper Cervical Chiropractor trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA).Over the past 21 years, Dr. Erwin has helped many people find natural relief in Sacramento, California. His upper cervical clinic also serves the communities of Elk Grove, Roseville, Yuba City, Davis and Placerville. He is uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, sciatica, digestive disorders and auto injuries. More information can be found on his website at

 Multiple Sclerosis. MS, Extreme tiredness, Dizzy, Dizziness, Weak, Fog Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that is potentially disabling. It affects the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system) by attacking the protective sheath (myelin) that covers the nerve fibers. This causes problems with communication between the brain and the rest of the body. The disease, over time, can cause deterioration of the nerves. They may become permanently damaged. Young adults are mainly affected from the ages of 20 to 40. Since 1991, the number of those with MS has increased by 50%. Women are 2 times as likely to get it as men. Some symptoms that accompany MS are:

Treatment options are limited because the exact cause of multiple sclerosis remains unknown. A study was performed recently that looked at the cost of drugs for this particular condition. In the 90’s drug costs for MS ranged yearly from $8,000 to $11,000; today drugs costs have risen to $60,000. More medications are available than before, but rather than decreasing costs, they have risen. Treatment outcome has remained the same, in spite of the number of pharmaceuticals now available. Are there natural treatments available that work?

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care and MS

We focus our approach on making sure that the C1 or atlas vertebra is in alignment. This is the top bone of the neck. If it is misaligned, it may be placing undue pressure on the brainstem, hindering further the problem of communication throughout the body. A misalignment here can even lead to symptoms of multiple sclerosis without actually having the disease.

Multiple studies have been done that show patients with multiple sclerosis who have a misalignment in their neck also have less oxygen going to the brain. Studies have proven that MS patients who receive upper cervical chiropractic care have had their symptoms improve and have longer remission periods.


Guyton A. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 12th Ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co., 2010


To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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Dr. Donald Erwin of Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California is an Upper Cervical Chiropractor trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA).Over the past 21 years, Dr. Erwin has helped many people find natural relief in Sacramento, California. His upper cervical clinic also serves the communities of Elk Grove, Roseville, Yuba City, Davis and Placerville. He is uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, sciatica, digestive disorders and auto injuries. More information can be found on his website at

Tired, Sleep, Insomnia. Sleeping Tips The Huffington Post recently published an article outlining some common habits that may be adding to people feeling tired. Let’s look at a few of them and one they did not include.

Vitamin enhanced water:  These types of drinks have the opposite effect by causing tiredness as the body works hard to metabolize isolated B-vitamins.  The result is feeling jittery, wired, and tired.

Forgetting to eat vegetables:  The micronutrients found in fruits and veggies are important to the healthy function of the body. They protect the human body from aging too fast, cancer, and they help increase energy. They should take top priority in your diet.

Computer use: Sitting for long periods and looking at a computer screen can make a person tired. It can also cause such things as computer vision syndrome which leads to headaches, blurred vision, and fatigue. Remember the 20/20/20 rule: After 20 minutes look away from the screen for 20 seconds at something 20 feet away. This will help reduce strain and improve energy.

Eating low-carb: Research done at both the Mayo Clinic and in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that people who eat low-carb have greater fatigue and feel less inclined to exercise that those who eat healthy, whole grain complex carbs.

Clutter: Decluttering workspace and the home from papers and piles of things can actually help a person focus and have more energy. Try cleaning up a small area and see the difference it can make.

One area the Huffington Post did not mention is that of upper cervical chiropractic care. Research has revealed that those under this type of care do feel more energized, happier, and healthier. Misalignments that occur in the upper neck vertebrae can affect a number of areas in the body. Blood flow, oxygen, and communication from the body can all be hindered from reaching the brain properly. Once we correct these misalignments in our patients, the results are positive. Research has shown that sleep is improved in both adults and children. Overall health and energy levels increase.


To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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If you are outside of the Sacramento area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at


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Dr. Donald Erwin of Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California is an Upper Cervical Chiropractor trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA).Over the past 21 years, Dr. Erwin has helped many people find natural relief in Sacramento, California. His upper cervical clinic also serves the communities of Elk Grove, Roseville, Yuba City, Davis and Placerville. He is uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, sciatica, digestive disorders and auto injuries. More information can be found on his website at

central sensitizatio, Migraine, Migraines, Headaches, Headache, ibs, chronic painCentral sensitization may be a new term to some, but those that suffer from it will tell you just how debilitating it can be. The body’s normal reaction to something harmful is to protect itself. It does this by sending pain signals to the brain so that it can react properly. In some situations, the body goes beyond the normal processes, and it becomes hypersensitive to almost any touch or sensation. It takes a simple bump as a threat, and the person feels pain in a heightened sense. The following conditions are types of central sensitization pain:

How Can Upper Cervical Chiropractors Help with Central Sensitization?

The root cause to the body’s overreaction to pain may be in the area referred to as the upper cervical spine. Since the body senses a threat, it is important to reduce what it feels is making that threat. A misalignment in the upper cervical area can be hindering or distorting the body’s communication with the brain. This changes how the body reacts to outside stimuli and leads to an intensified sensation of pain.

Upper cervical chiropractors are specifically trained to examine the neck for signs of a misalignment. Then we will make a treatment plan designed for each individual patient. Once this misalignment is corrected, the body will begin to communicate properly once again.

Even tiny misalignments can cause major issues. However, our patients report positive outcomes when these are fixed. Allowing the brain and body to communicate can result in a happier, healthier life.


To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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If you are outside of the Sacramento area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at


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Dr. Donald Erwin of Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California is an Upper Cervical Chiropractor trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA).Over the past 21 years, Dr. Erwin has helped many people find natural relief in Sacramento, California. His upper cervical clinic also serves the communities of Elk Grove, Roseville, Yuba City, Davis and Placerville. He is uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, sciatica, digestive disorders and auto injuries. More information can be found on his website at

fibrosixninepixelsfdpnThere is quite a bit of mystery surrounding fibromyalgia, and for people who suffer from it, the more research that is done, the more there is hope that they will find some long awaited relief.

A recent study of fibromyalgia patients showed that they perceive touch differently when compared to healthy individuals. While this may not seem relevant on the surface considering the chronic pain fibromyalgia sufferers endure, I see this as very much related. Scientists estimate that approximately 5 million people across the U.S. age 18 or older have fibromyalgia, with 80-90% being women. Along with widespread, chronic pain, people with fibromyalgia also endure memory problems (sometimes called fibro fog), headaches, sleep problems, digestive issues, and other issues. One thread connects all of these components, and that is your central nervous system.

Fibromyalgia and the Nervous System

Every single sensation in our body is received and processed by our central nervous system (CNS).  In patients with fibromyalgia, the signals carrying information about sensations such as touch are distorted. Rather than reaching the brain with the appropriate information, even light, non-painful stimuli can be perceived as painful. As an upper cervical chiropractor, I work closely with the central nervous system. By correcting specific atlas misalignments, I work to optimize the function of the CNS. When the atlas misaligns, it affects brainstem function, which can cause distortions and misinterpretations of pain signals.

Whether you’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, or you’re experiencing chronic pain and haven’t been able to get any straightforward answers, we may be able to offer you some hope for relief. If an atlas misalignment is present and preventing normal nervous system function, restoring proper alignment will allow the body’s normal, natural healing processes to occur. We have seen this lead to quality of life improvements for many of our patients who were impacted by the chronic pain of fibromyalgia.

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Dr. Donald Erwin of Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California is an Upper Cervical Chiropractor trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA).Over the past 21 years, Dr. Erwin has helped many people find natural relief in Sacramento, California. His upper cervical clinic also serves the communities of Elk Grove, Roseville, Yuba City, Davis and Placerville. He is uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, sciatica, digestive disorders and auto injuries. More information can be found on his website at

What Does It Mean?

Work Safety, Back Pain, NUCCA , Work Injury, BackacheTingling or numbness, whether in one area of the body or throughout the entire body, is a signal that something is not right. What could be the reason for this feeling?

Another area of concern is that of a misalignment in the upper part of the neck. This may also cause a tingling feeling in certain parts of the body. If nerve flow has been hindered by a misalignment, it can be the root cause of this sensation. Upper cervical chiropractors are specially trained to detect and then correct these misalignments through a gentle, yet effective method. Nerve flow can begin to heal, and many of our patients have reported a big improvement in overall health and elimination of numbness and tingling. Making an appointment to see us is a great place to start in finding a solution to this


To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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If you are outside of the Sacramento area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at


Want to hear from people like you? Check out our reviews here.

Dr. Donald Erwin of Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California is an Upper Cervical Chiropractor trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA).Over the past 21 years, Dr. Erwin has helped many people find natural relief in Sacramento, California. His upper cervical clinic also serves the communities of Elk Grove, Roseville, Yuba City, Davis and Placerville. He is uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, sciatica, digestive disorders and auto injuries. More information can be found on his website at

Multiple sclerosis, MS, Nervous SystemMultiple sclerosis is a disease of the autoimmune system in which the body attacks myelin. Myelin is tissue that surrounds the nerves and helps them to communicate with the body and the brain. When myelin is attacked the symptoms are as follows:

Another very common symptom is called autonomic dysfunction. This means that a problem lies in the autonomic nervous system of the body that controls the automatic things your body does to continue living. Such things as bladder control, digestion, and breathing are controlled automatically. This symptom affects up to 84% of patients with multiple sclerosis.

New Research

Exciting research is being done that shows a connection between the immune system and an often overlooked cranial nerve, the vagus nerve. It has been said that the future of medicine lies in better understanding the vagus nerve. This nerve acts as a messenger between the brain and the body relaying all kinds of signals. If these signals become interrupted, the communication throughout the body would weaken and could, in turn, lead to worsening of symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

Natural Relief

Upper cervical chiropractors take a real interest in this area of the nervous system and how it relates to the overall health of our patients. One of the main functions of the vagus nerve is to work at resetting the immune system and shutting down the proteins that cause demyelination of the nerves. By correcting any misalignments that lie in the upper area of the neck, patients have found some relief from their symptoms. This is because a misalignment in the upper neck puts stress on the brainstem and disrupts the function of the nervous system, including the vagus nerve.

Proof of this is found in a study done by Dr. Elster where a patient with multiple sclerosis received upper cervical care for 4 months leading to remission of all symptoms associated with the disease. A follow-up MRI revealed no new lesions and a reduction in the original lesions.



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Dr. Donald Erwin of Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California is an Upper Cervical Chiropractor trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA).Over the past 21 years, Dr. Erwin has helped many people find natural relief in Sacramento, California. His upper cervical clinic also serves the communities of Elk Grove, Roseville, Yuba City, Davis and Placerville. He is uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, sciatica, digestive disorders and auto injuries. More information can be found on his website at

Multiple sclerosis, MS, Nervous SystemMultiple sclerosis is a disorder of the central nervous system that causes the immune system to attack a substance called myelin, which protects the nerves. In other words, the body begins attacking itself leading to various symptoms. The symptoms that arise are dependent on where and how severe the condition is. The symptoms can range from mild to disabling and can last just a few weeks or up to months at a time.

What are the symptoms to watch for?

Keep in mind that not all of the above will be noticeable. It may be very difficult for a person to admit that they are experiencing these problems. It is important to be totally honest with the doctor so as to get a correct diagnosis. If a loved one is suspected of having some of these symptoms, it is important to develop a loving, trusting relationship with them. They will then be more willing to reveal what is happening to them. It can comfort them now and in the difficult time ahead.

What to Do Next?

If a person suspects that they or a loved one has multiple sclerosis, a good next step is to make an appointment to see an upper cervical chiropractor. Some of the above-mentioned symptoms can appear due to a misalignment of the upper vertebrae in the neck. If a misalignment is present, it can negatively affect how the central nervous system functions. A misalignment puts undue pressure on the brainstem and signals sent through it to the brain and body can become distorted, leading to all sorts of health problems.

At Body Balance Spinal Care, we will examine the upper neck for misalignments and then, using the NUCCA technique, will correct them. Once corrected, the body will begin communicating better. It is possible that multiple sclerosis symptoms may decrease or go away entirely.

To find a Doctor in your area go to or if you are in the Sacramento California area schedule a consultation by clicking the button below:

Schedule a consultation at Body Balance Spinal Care

Want to hear from people like you? Check out our reviews here.

Dr. Donald Erwin of Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California is an Upper Cervical Chiropractor trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA).Over the past 21 years, Dr. Erwin has helped many people find natural relief in Sacramento, California. His upper cervical clinic also serves the communities of Elk Grove, Roseville, Yuba City, Davis and Placerville. He is uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, sciatica, digestive disorders and auto injuries. More information can be found on his website at

Body Balance Spinal Care

Providing patients with the best in chiropractic care.

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900 Fulton Avenue, Suite 102
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 973-0623

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Weds - 8am to 1 pm
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