Call (916) 973-0623
Serving Northern California

Lower Back Pain, Lower Back, Back Pain, Back Ache, Pinched Nerve, Numbness, Tingling, Sciatica Pain Relief, Sciatica, injury, back injury, work injury, Disc Herniation, Disc Herniation Relief, Posture, Proper Posture, Back Pain, Back Pain Relief, Back Ache, Lower Back Pain, Lower Back Pain ReliefSciatica is a painful lower back condition that may radiate along the sciatic nerve. This means the pain can also flow through the buttocks and down the leg. The sciatic nerve branches down both sides and pain usually occurs on just one side or the other. What can be done to help sufferers?

Traditional Treatment Methods

If you go to a general practitioner for help with sciatic pain, you will probably be prescribed medication or encouraged to use an over the counter pain reliever. Medications for sciatica include:

Besides just prescription drugs that can have side effects and even be habit forming, there are more invasive procedures that may be recommended. For example, corticosteroid injections or even surgery. One less invasive option that may be offered is physical therapy.

A Natural, Drug-Free Sciatica Treatment Option

Poor posture and misalignments of the spine can lead to a pinched sciatic nerve. A herniated disk or bone spur may also be responsible. Correcting posture and misalignments is a vital part of pain relief. If you are ready to go after the underlying cause of sciatica rather than merely masking the pain, I would like to introduce you to upper cervical chiropractic care.

The NUCCA technique of upper cervical chiropractic focuses on the C1 and C2 vertebrae. A misalignment here can cause the entire back to shift out of alignment due to the righting reflex trying to keep the head level. One shoulder can be lower than the other, and one leg may even be shorter.

While it may seem counterintuitive to adjust the neck to help the lower back, the top bones in the neck are responsible for your posture. Once these bones are back in place, the shoulders and hips can go back to a normal position. This may relieve the pressure being placed on the sciatic nerve and clear sciatica up for good.


To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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If you are outside of the Sacramento area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Fibromyalgia, Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue, Always Tired, Tired, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, CFS, Fibromyalgia Relief, Chronic Fatigue ReliefDiagnosing fibromyalgia can take a long time. Why is it so difficult? Can’t a doctor just match the list of symptoms to what a person is dealing with and give a diagnosis? Unfortunately, the process is much more involved. Fibromyalgia is known for:

These symptoms of fibromyalgia can mimic those of other conditions. This means any other condition that is suspected must be ruled out through a number of tests. A fibromyalgia diagnosis is based on exclusion – omitting any other disease that may cause the same symptoms and that can be tested for.

Another thing to consider is that depending on the doctor one may be diagnosed with chronic fatigue rather than fibromyalgia. These two conditions have many similar symptoms. The difference lies in certain tender points associated with fibromyalgia. However, pain levels can differ in patients, and if the test is being done while the patient is having a good day, these may be missed.

Finding Natural Help for Fibromyalgia

Even before one has an official diagnosis, he can begin doing something about the symptoms listed above. These symptoms are often connected to a misalignment of the upper cervical spine. Interestingly, the majority of fibromyalgia patients report having had a head or neck trauma at some point in the past before the onset of the condition. Misalignments in this area of the neck can be the cause of numbness, tingling, headaches, and various other symptoms connected to central nervous system function.

At Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, CA, we use a gentle method to help realign the bones of the upper neck. Once corrected, the brainstem can begin to perform at its peak, and the symptoms of fibromyalgia may decrease or even go away entirely.


To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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Vertigo Relief, Dizziness Relief, Dizzy, Meniere’s Disease Relief, Disequilibrium, Vertigo, Dizziness, Meniere’s , Meniere’s Disease, endolymphatic hydrops, hydrops, SEHVertigo is often described as the sensation that the person or the things in his environment are spinning even if there is no movement. It is a relatively common health problem, particularly for those over the age of 40. About 40 % of adults in this age group have at least one experience with vertigo at some time, while others may have ongoing attacks. Here are some facts about vertigo that may be surprising:

Alleviating Vertigo Through Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care

Here at Body Balance Spinal Care, we take an alternative route to caring for vertigo. It has been noted that many of the reasons for vertigo as stated above can be linked to a misalignment in the upper neck vertebrae. By using a gentle method referred to as NUCCA, we encourage the bones of the neck – specifically the C1 and C2 vertebrae – to realign naturally. We do not pop or crack the spine, rather a low force adjustment to a specific area of the neck is all that is required. This may lead to fewer vertigo attacks or an elimination of it completely.


To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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If you are outside of the Sacramento area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Lower Back Pain, Lower Back, Back Pain, Back Ache, Pinched Nerve, Numbness, Tingling, Sciatica Pain Relief, Sciatica, injury, back injury, work injury, Disc Herniation, Disc Herniation Relief, Posture, Proper Posture, Back Pain, Back Pain Relief, Back Ache, Lower Back Pain, Lower Back Pain ReliefBack pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work and doctor visits around the world.  As we get older, we become more susceptible to experiencing back pain, whether it be because we're not as physically fit as we were when we were younger, or we just have more years of wear and tear.  

For many people who experience more than just the occasional twinge or ache, they've always turned to over the counter medications like aspirin or ibuprofen to try and ease the pain.  However, recent research is pointing to the fact that these drugs actually provide little benefit to back pain sufferers, while creating a host of unwanted side effects.  35 trials involving over 6,000 people were reviewed, and the results showed that only 1 out of every 6 people experienced any significant pain relief, while patients taking these medications were 2.5 times more likely to have gastro-intestinal problems such as stomach ulcers and bleeding.

Back Pain and Your Spine

Many people might think of chiropractic care as a way to manage lower back pain.  What many don't consider, however, is that even though the pain might be felt in the low back, the root cause of the problem might be elsewhere in the spine.  Upper cervical chiropractic is a branch of chiropractic that looks at the atlas, the topmost vertebra in the spine, first.  The atlas has the greatest range of motion of the entire spine.  This makes it especially vulnerable to misaligning.  

When the atlas misaligns, it creates tension within the spinal cord.  This causes a distortion of normal brain-body signals, which can lead to imbalances in muscle tension and posture.  When muscle tension increases unequally on one side of the body, it causes the shoulders and hips to become unlevel and can cause you to carry your weight unequally from side to side.  Over time, this can cause pain and discomfort anywhere along the spine.  Correcting the problem at the atlas allows for these compensation patterns to normalize and restores your body's normal posture.  We have helped many people with back pain recover naturally using gentle, specific upper cervical chiropractic adjustments.  Contact our office for a complimentary consultation to see if upper cervical chiropractic is the approach you've been missing.


To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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If you are outside of the Sacramento area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

One of the most common health problems in the world is migraines. In the United States, 18% of women suffer from migraines and about 6% of men. One sobering study showed that nearly 27% of those with chronic migraines have considered suicide, while 7% have actually attempted it. The condition is relentless, debilitating, and frustrating for those who have it. The excruciating pain can come about at any time and interrupt everyday activities. Treatment options are limited and provide temporary relief at best. This only adds to the frustration for sufferers. So, for these and other reasons, many are turning to alternative methods in an effort to find relief. Natural Help for Migraine Sufferers Are there any natural yet effective ways to manage migraine pain? Many have found the answer to be yes. In fact, upper cervical chiropractors believe that the secret to getting relief from a number of health ailments is a properly aligned spine. The atlas, in particular, is in a unique position at the base of the skull. It is situated right where the brainstem and spinal cord meet. If the atlas should shift out of alignment, the delicate nerves and surrounding soft tissue may be adversely affected. This can lead to migraines and other symptoms. Through careful examination and specific imaging techniques, an upper cervical chiropractor can see if realignment is necessary. The adjustments then made are precise, gentle, and specific to the patient’s needs. The doctor will only provide the adjustment if there is a misalignment. Once the atlas is in its proper place, the structures it supports can heal naturally and regain normal function. This can happen even after one adjustment. Studies show this technique is effective in relieving and at times resolving the underlying issues causing migraine pain.One of the most common health problems in the world is migraines. In the United States, 18% of women suffer from migraines and about 6% of men. One sobering study showed that nearly 27% of those with chronic migraines have considered suicide, while 7% have actually attempted it. The condition is relentless, debilitating, and frustrating for those who have it. The excruciating pain can come about at any time and interrupt everyday activities. Treatment options are limited and provide temporary relief at best. This only adds to the frustration for sufferers. So, for these and other reasons, many are turning to alternative methods in an effort to find relief.

Natural Help for Migraine Sufferers

Are there any natural yet effective ways to manage migraine pain? Many have found the answer to be yes. In fact, upper cervical chiropractors believe that the secret to getting relief from a number of health ailments is a properly aligned spine. The atlas, in particular, is in a unique position at the base of the skull. It is situated right where the brainstem and spinal cord meet. If the atlas should shift out of alignment, the delicate nerves and surrounding soft tissue may be adversely affected. This can lead to migraines and other symptoms.
Through careful examination and specific imaging techniques, an upper cervical chiropractor can see if realignment is necessary. The adjustments then made are precise, gentle, and specific to the patient’s needs. The doctor will only provide the adjustment if there is a misalignment. Once the atlas is in its proper place, the structures it supports can heal naturally and regain normal function. This can happen even after one adjustment. Studies show this technique is effective in relieving and at times resolving the underlying issues causing migraine pain.


To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

Schedule a consultation at Body Balance Spinal Care

If you are outside of the Sacramento area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Vertigo Relief, Dizziness Relief, Dizzy, Meniere’s Disease Relief, Vertigo, Dizziness, Meniere’s , Meniere’s Disease Vertigo usually starts in the inner ear. It affects how the brain processes signals about balance, stability, and the body's position in the surrounding space. When a vertigo attack hits, there may be a spinning sensation, either of you or your surroundings. The sensation that is experienced can often be accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, loss of balance, and sometimes vomiting.

There are some treatment options, the Epley Maneuver being one of them. This does provide relief, especially for those with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). However, the relief is only temporary. Many are looking for a long-term solution to this condition. Studies have shown that those who present with vertigo have at some point sustained head or neck trauma. Addressing this can reveal much about the possible underlying cause of vertigo.

One Potential Cause of Vertigo

The vertebrae making up the spine were designed to protect the structures housed within. This begins with the brainstem and carries through the spinal cord and then to all the nerves. Signals travel along this system between the brain and the body. Injuries to the head or neck, whether a car accident, injury, or wear and tear can lead to vertigo. This is because the atlas, or C1, is ring-shaped and surrounds the brainstem. If this bone shifts out of place, communication between the brain and the inner ear can be impeded.

A consultation with an upper cervical chiropractor can reveal if the atlas is out of alignment and therefore a possible catalyst for vertigo. Specific calculations and evaluations are done on each patient to see if there is a misalignment. If there is one, the technique used to correct it is gentle. Restoring proper alignment is important, but it also allows for the restoring of normal communication and passing of signals between the brain and body. Many have found relief from stubborn vertigo episodes by trying this natural approach.


To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

Schedule a consultation at Body Balance Spinal Care

If you are outside of the Sacramento area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Fibromyalgia, Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue, Always Tired, Tired, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, CFSFibromyalgia is a painful condition that affects people of all ages and walks of life. In the past, it was thought that it might be an imagined condition, and some referred to it as being “all in a person’s head.” This is just not the case. However, the underlying problem may lie just a little lower than the head—in the bones of the upper neck. These bones are called the C1 and C2 vertebrae or the atlas and axis, and they play a very important role when it comes to a person’s health. It only takes a tiny misalignment in this area to create all kinds of health problems. Why is this the case?

The location of the atlas and axis is in close proximity to the brainstem. A misalignment here puts stress or pressure on the brainstem hindering communication and blood flow to and from the brain and body. The mixed signals being sent to the brain can be the underlying cause of not only fibromyalgia but chronic fatigue syndrome as well.

How Upper Cervical Chiropractic Helps Fibromyalgia

Upper cervical chiropractic is a specific form of chiropractic that does not require popping or twisting of the spine. Diagnostic imaging tools help us locate the exact location of the misalignment. Once this is done, a low force correction can be delivered to a specific area of the neck to help these bones move back into proper alignment. The healing properties of the body can then take over and repair any damage to soft tissue or nerves in the area. This form of fibromyalgia treatment restores communication and blood flow within the body, helping it to function at its optimum.

A number of patient in case studies have reported feeling much better after only a few adjustments. In some instances, fibromyalgia symptoms have completely gone away.


To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

Schedule a consultation at Body Balance Spinal Care

If you are outside of the Sacramento area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Migraine, Migraines, Headache, Headaches, Head Pain, Migraine Headaches, Migraine Relief, Headache Relief, Tension Headache, Tension Headaches, Migraine Headaches, Migraine Headaches Relief

It may be shocking to learn that as much as 46% of people worldwide have some sort of headache condition. These headaches can be debilitating and have a negative effect on one’s daily routine. Not only are sufferers frustrated, but health care providers also find that it is hard to help their patients cope. What works for one, may not help another.

However, there are some known triggers of headaches which may lessen attacks if they are avoided. These include:

Migraines differ in intensity from headaches and are categorized as a neurovascular. The symptoms of a migraine are:

Where to Find Help for Headaches and Migraines

Most medical doctors, when consulted about any headache condition, will recommend either over-the-counter or prescription medication that works to prevent headaches before they begin or stop them in their tracks once they start. It must be noted, however, that these come along with unwanted side effects. One may wonder if there are any natural solutions to headaches that actually work?

One area finding success is upper cervical chiropractic care. This is a special form of chiropractic that does not require twisting or popping the spine. Rather, a very gentle, specific method is used to assist in realigning the bones of the upper cervical spine, specifically the C1 and C2. These bones can easily misalign due to a car accident or a fall. Once this happens, pressure is placed on the brainstem, and communication and blood flow to and from the brain are compromised. This leads to headaches.

Once the misalignment is corrected, many patients, including those in case studies, report seeing a huge difference in their headaches. Some see them go away and not return at all after just an adjustment or two.


To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

Schedule a consultation at Body Balance Spinal Care

If you are outside of the Sacramento area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Lower Back Pain, Lower Back, Back Pain, Back Ache, Pinched Nerve, Numbness, Tingling, Sciatica Pain Relief, Sciatica, injury, back injury, work injury, Disc Herniation, Disc Herniation Relief Posture, Proper Posture, Back Pain, Back Pain Relief, Back Ache, Lower Back Pain, Lower Back Pain ReliefBack pain is so common, it might be difficult to find an adult who has never experienced it at some point.  It can be caused by improper lifting, long periods of sitting, repetitive motions, or a number of other factors.  If a back injury is mild, it may go away on its own within a few days.  However, back pain can be a real problem when it becomes a chronic issue that you find yourself dealing with day in and day out.

For people experiencing chronic back pain, finding some kind of relief is a top priority.  Here are 5 easy things you can do to try and rid yourself of back pain:

  1. Get a good night sleep on a firm mattress
  2. Maintain a healthy weight
  3. Get regular exercise
  4. Incorporate yoga or stretching into your routine
  5. Experiment with heat or cold to see which feels better

Back Pain & Your Spine

Some simple cases of back pain do go away on their own, but what about back pain that lingers?  There can be many reasons why, but in any case, it makes sense to look at the spine for a lasting solution.  Upper cervical chiropractors have had much success with addressing back pain, regardless of whether the pain is in the neck, middle, or lower back.  The reason for this success is that upper cervical chiropractic addresses the atlas, the uppermost vertebra in the spine.  When the atlas misaligns, it causes a domino effect of compensations throughout the rest of the spine and can cause postural imbalances, poor movement, and muscle spasms.

At Body Balance Spinal Care, we are not interested in just chasing down your symptoms.  Our focus is on identifying and correcting the root cause of your back pain.  If we find that an atlas misalignment is causing your entire spine to compensate, then we use very specific and gentle adjustments to bring the atlas back to its normal position.  By doing so, the body is able to correct the imbalances, returning your posture back to normal.  This can and has relieved many stubborn cases of back pain.



To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

Schedule a consultation at Body Balance Spinal Care

If you are outside of the Sacramento area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Fibromyalgia, Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue, Always Tired, Tired, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, CFSFibromyalgia is a widespread pain condition that also can result in fatigue, sleepless, nights, and other debilitating symptoms. Physicians are at a loss for how to care for the condition. As a result, many doctors will simply treat the symptoms, pain symptoms in particular. Opioids are often the prescription of choice.

The Well-Documented Dangers of Opioid Use

According to the CDC, 1,000 people end up in the ER on a daily basis due to misuse of opioids. More than 165,000 Americans have died from pain medication overdoses, including some prominent celebrities. As a result, people are seeking safe alternatives. Is there anything available that actually works?

An Upper Cervical Case Study Involving Fibromyalgia

An exciting case study was performed on a 32-year-old woman who was suffering from fibromyalgia for two years. She had previously suffered injuries that included a separated shoulder and was prescribed pain medication. She also underwent physical therapy, which the patient said only made matters worse.

After two years of pain, medications, and rapidly declining health, she discovered upper cervical chiropractic care. After 6 months of care, she was free from all fibromyalgia symptoms.

A Gentle Approach to Fibromyalgia

When some hear chiropractic, they immediately envision having their spine twisted and popped in various directions. That’s not an appealing vision for those suffering from chronic pain and joint problems. However, at Body Balance Spinal Care, we use the NUCCA technique—a particularly gentle form of upper cervical chiropractic care.

We have found that gentle adjustments last longer and give the body more time to heal. It also reduces costs for the patient since visits can be further apart as the adjustments begin to hold longer. As a result, many of our patients have enjoyed gentle and lasting relief. Check out some of the testimonials from our chronic pain patients and then schedule a consult today!


To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

Schedule a consultation at Body Balance Spinal Care

If you are outside of the Sacramento area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Body Balance Spinal Care

Providing patients with the best in chiropractic care.

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900 Fulton Avenue, Suite 102
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 973-0623

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