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Scoliosis is one of the conditions that patents come to see me for as a Sacramento upper cervical chiropractor. It is the abnormal sideways curvature of the spine. The natural curve of the spine is from the front to the back. If you view a healthy spine from behind, you would not see a side-to-side curve. However, in people with scoliosis, you would notice a twisting or side-to-side curvature. 

One study showed scoliosis is undiagnosed in about 67% of cases of mild scoliosis. The figure is 10% in moderate to severe scoliosis. The number of undiagnosed cases is not good because determining scoliosis in its early phases can help keep it from getting worse. 

The effects of severe scoliosis are far-ranging. It can result in the following:

Traditional Care for Scoliosis

There are many options available to care for scoliosis. Some of the options are using a scoliosis brace (to straighten and keep the spine in place) and back surgery. However, many patients prefer a non-invasive method to care for their condition. 

Fortunately, natural care is possible. Patients newly diagnosed with scoliosis can benefit from upper cervical chiropractic care as it can prevent scoliosis from getting worse. Those who suffer from advanced stages of scoliosis can also relieve their discomfort with the help of this natural form of therapy. 

Scoliosis Relief with the Help of Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Researchers have done a few studies about scoliosis and how upper cervical chiropractic care can help. One particular study has shown that an upper cervical misalignment in the C1 or C2 vertebra can really cause the advancement of scoliosis.

The study also suggests that a misalignment in the neck can also contribute to colic, ear infections, and some childhood disorders. The research recognized the fact that many babies endure neck misalignments due to birth trauma. This results in the development of medical problems. 

Visiting a Sacramento upper cervical chiropractor, particularly Body Balance Spinal Care, can be your first step toward effective scoliosis care. If you think you may have a history of neck trauma, I can assess your neck for any lingering signs of trauma. After that, I can work with you to correct any misalignments so that you can prevent your scoliosis from worsening.Fill out this to set up a complimentary consultation with me.

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Sciatica refers to the pain caused by the pinching or inflammation of the sciatic nerve, the largest and longest nerve of the body. This nerve runs from the lower back and extends through the hips, buttocks, and down to the back of the legs. It relays messages to the brain about the feeling and movement of our legs. Sciatica pain can be debilitating for many people. It can interfere with your standing, sitting, and walking.

Sciatica Symptoms

Actions That Worsen Sciatica Pain

Causes of Sciatica

Natural Cure for Sciatica Pain

When one has suffered from trauma or injury, the muscles and tissues compensate by shifting. This results in stress in some areas of the body, including the sciatic nerve, thus leading to inflammation.

Upper cervical chiropractors, such as our team here at Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento CA, can help relieve the pain and symptoms of sciatica. The upper cervical spine often takes the burden when one endures an accident. The uppermost bones of the neck – the atlas and axis – are prone to misalignment due to their mobility and location. This can lead to several health conditions even if the misalignment is very tiny.

The brainstem, which serves as the communication highway of the body, is located inside the atlas and axis. Their misalignment may put undue pressure to the brainstem, causing distorted communication between the brain and body. The sciatic nerve can be involved due to a change in posture, and this can bring about sciatica.

Through a gentle and precise adjustment of the bones, we provide relief to our sciatica patients. Some even see their sciatica symptoms go away completely. If you are searching for a Sacramento-based chiropractic doctor for your sciatica, we are at your service. Visit our clinic or call us to schedule a no-obligation consultation.

Sciatica is pain along the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body. The sciatic nerve starts in the lower back and branches off into the hips, buttocks, and down each leg. Sciatica is due to an inflammation or irritation anywhere in the sciatic nerve.

The Possible Root Cause of Sciatica

The pain of sciatica sometimes actually starts in the neck because the rest of the spine, including the lower back, twist and turn to compensate for a neck misalignment. The most likely problem in this case is in the top vertebrae of the neck, either in the C1 or C2. These vertebrae are prone to misalignment due to their shape and location (at the base of the skull). If they misalign, it can have a domino effect in the body. It can hurt the joints, muscles, and ligaments attached to the spine. This form of misalignment can move other structures out of place, develop imbalances in the lower back, and warp your posture, causing the sciatic nerve to be pinched or irritated, and creating a situation in which sciatica persists.

Natural Care for Sciatica Patients in Sacramento, CA

To end your suffering from persistent sciatica, it is best to begin at the top of the spine. Our sciatica chiropractic doctor here at Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California is skilled and well trained to identify misalignments in the C1 and C2 vertebrae. We perform a mild, painless method that returns the bones of the neck to their proper alignment. This does not include cracking or popping of the spine to get desired outcomes. Instead, we reposition the bones naturally for longer-lasting results.

Once adjustments are made and bones of the upper neck realign, the body can start to recover from the damage suffered. The rest of the body’s structures can return to their normal, healthy alignment and functions. When this happens, you can experience a decrease in your sciatica symptoms or complete remission of your sciatica.


Sciatica is an incapacitating condition that brings pain from the lower back down the back of each leg. It is a prevalent pain disorder around the world, affecting about 40% of people at least once in their lifetime.

The pain of sciatica can show up in many ways and vary from person to person. It can be severe for some people but infrequent and mild for others. In general, sciatica pain can be irritating and has the potential to get worse.

Some of the symptoms of sciatica include the following:

These sensations may affect certain areas of the body:

Wherever you feel pain in your lower body, to get relief you must discover the root cause of it. Different treatments and medications may give temporary aid, but symptoms of sciatica will most likely return and get worse if the root cause is not addressed.

The Link Between the Sciatic Nerve and Spine

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body. It connects the nervous system to the hips, buttocks, back of the legs, thighs, and feet. It is in the same structure as the spinal cord in the lower back. An issue with the vertebrae or the discs in the lower back can stress and flare up the sciatic nerve, resulting in sciatica.

Furthermore, lower back problems may also be a result of issues occurring elsewhere in the spine. For example, a misalignment in the atlas vertebra (located at the top of the spine) can cause stress to the shoulders and hips, resulting to abnormal muscle tension and spasms throughout the mid and lower back. Unless the atlas is realigned, long-term relief from sciatica may be challenging to achieve.

Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California performs upper cervical chiropractic care to get to the root of many health conditions, including sciatica. This means we focus on your atlas alignment. If your atlas is in the wrong position, then the rest of your body can be hindered from working the way it was intended to. By correcting the position of the atlas if it is misaligned, the rest of the body can regain its ability to function properly. Our approach is gentle and accurate, with the goal of performing as few adjustments as possible to get your body back on the road to healing. Schedule an appointment with us and let a reliable upper cervical chiropractor help you find relief from your sciatica.  


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a-simple-solution-for-back-pain-sufferersIf you’re like most people, you will experience back pain at some point. In fact, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), about 80% of Americans will suffer back pain, and research has found some surprising contributors.

Several Back Pain Causes

The following may be the reason for your suffering, according to research:

Back Pain Relief Here in Sacramento

Here at Body Balance Spinal Care, our patients are treated for any number of reasons including those stated above. Our goal is to provide freedom from back pain through upper cervical chiropractic care for a recovery that will last.

Back pain often originates from misalignment in the spine. The top bones in the neck, the C1 and C2, often impact posture the most profoundly. If the upper cervical bones are not in proper alignment, the rest of the body compensates, which can result in back pain. And this is where upper cervical care comes in. Adjusting the source of lower back pain is the key to relief and restoring a pain-free quality of life for the long term.

To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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back-pain-is-it-really-connected-to-a-problem-in-the-neckIt seems as if almost everyone has had an experience with back pain at one time or another. It is among the leading causes of doctors visits, disability, and missed work days. It may sound odd, but there is a big chance that the problem in your middle or lower back is linked to a misaligned vertebra in your neck. It may be hard to believe, but the neck is often the root of the pain felt in the back.

How Your Posture Relates to Back Pain

Posture plays an important role when it comes to back pain. The spine was created to keep our bodies upright. The top vertebrae in the spine -- the C1 and C2 -- are not the same as the other bones of the spine. They have a different shape, and they move differently. Even a small misalignment of these bones can lead to uneven shoulders and one hip that is lower than the other, leading to one leg being shorter. This can be the source of the pain you are having.

The C1 and C2 vertebrae also have the vital job of protecting the brainstem. The brainstem is the communication superhighway of the body, and it relays signals from the brain to the body and vice versa. If these bones move out of alignment, they put the brainstem under stress, causing it to malfunction. This actually can impact your posture, leading to unequal muscle tension and spasms.

Back Pain and Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care

Here at Body Balance Spinal Care in Sacramento, California, we focus our attention on realigning the bones of the upper cervical spine to restore proper posture and reduce back pain. We do this without the need to pop or crack the spine. Rather, the method used is gentle and encourages the bones to move back into place naturally. Many find great relief after only a few visits.

To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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If you are outside of the Sacramento area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

tips-help-ease-back-pain-sacramento-caDid you know that back pain ranks as the number one cause of disability worldwide? At some point during their life, 4 out of 5 people will have some form of back pain. It can be chronic and incapacitating, making each day a real chore. Ordinary tasks become extraordinary to take care of, often leading to more pain. Let’s take a look at some things you can personally do to alleviate back pain and where you can go for professional help that works.

Here are some simple things you can work on at home may that help alleviate your back pain:

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care and Back Pain

Keeping your back in tip-top shape is the best way to ensure you are healthy overall. Here at Body Balance Spinal Care, we ensure the top bones of the neck are in proper alignment as this is often a reason for back pain. We then work with you to correct the problem, often leading to a decrease or elimination of back pain.


To schedule a complimentary NUCCA consultation call 916-973-0623 on click the button below.

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If you are outside of the Sacramento area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Body Balance Spinal Care

Providing patients with the best in chiropractic care.

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900 Fulton Avenue, Suite 102
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 973-0623

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